Statement issued from Expatriates Affairs Ministry to all Yemeni communities around world

Statement issued from Expatriates Affairs Ministry to all Yemeni communities around world

To all Yemeni communities around the world ,the administrative bodies and technical attachés of Expatriates Affairs Ministry who are present on all continents.

Your national duty requires you to convey the clear position of the Republic of Yemen – Sana’a regarding the Palestinian issue and what the Palestinians are exposed to.

Especially the people of Gaza, its women and children, from crimes and genocide committed by the occupying Zionist entity for 100 days. You must reverse this position and transfer it to the peoples and governments of the free world in which you reside.

This is a firm and principled position of Sana’a as a matter of religious, moral and humanitarian duty towards the oppressed Palestinians.

The Ministry confirms that the position of the Yemeni army – Sana’a is clear and specific in targeting and preventing ships owned by Israel or heading to the ports of occupied Palestine from navigation in the Red and Arab Seas as a supportive position for the Palestinians and to ease the stifling siege on them.

The operations in the Red Sea or the Arabian Sea do not target any other country in the world other than Israel, and these are rules of engagement imposed by the Israelis by imposing a stifling blockade targeting food and medicine, in addition to the brutal killing and genocide of children and women.

That religious, moral and humanitarian position will continue until the war and siege on the Palestinian people are stopped.

Issued by Expatriates Affairs Ministry in Sana’a

On 28 Jumada al-Akhir 1445 AH
Corresponding to 1/10/2024 AD

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